At the core of your heart is your True Self, the spark of Love and Light. It is your true identity of who you really are at the deepest level of being, beyond all boundaries of space and time.
This spark is the purest aspect of our deepest self and is directly connected to the ultimate source of all Love and Light, our True Source, Divine Spirit, God.
Our heart is therefore, the:
Center of peace
Center of calmness
Center of true happiness/joy
Center of love
Center of heart intelligence
Key to our physical, mental and emotional health
Key to our spiritual and personal growth
Key to our connection to True Source
Key to our sharing love with others
When you listen to your heart you can begin to utilize your hearts spiritual intelligence, which is the innate loving wisdom of your heart. This is the deepest level of intelligence that supersedes both intellectual and emotional intelligence.
Our heart can guide us to make choices which allow us to fulfill our deepest purpose and to learn lessons in life that we may have been failing to integrate. When you listen to your heart it takes your needs into consideration, but it is not self-centered, for it accesses the bigger picture that is often beyond the perceptions of the brain and guides you to make the wisest of choices.
As you strengthen your heart this helps you to have greater clarity and awareness about any situation you find yourself in. Your heart gives you new insights, perspectives and attitudes about efficiently managing whatever challenges come up in daily life.
While our mind/brain often just react to situations, your heart can respond in ways that can turn stresses or obstacles into learning opportunities. However, that does not mean that you stop using your brain or are being emotional/irrational, instead it means that our brain is under the guidance of the wisdom of our heart.
With an open heart you can be more peaceful, calmer and happier in everyday life and additionally this benefits your brain as well because now you can handle stress more easily, and be more focused to have better ideas and insights.
When we only allow the brain to dominate this results in our actions, behavior and responses being influenced by our mind/brain preconceptions, our emotions and our ego. When our heart closes life is experienced more superficially.
When the brain is dominant, one of its tendencies is to judge everyone including ourselves into categories that often fall into 'good enough' or 'not good enough', 'like' or 'dislike', 'approve' or 'disapprove', 'worthy' or 'unworthy', and other dualistic concepts. As a result, our life and our relationships with others lack substance, quality and authenticity, and our happiness is greatly limited.
When you open and listen to your heart, you are not bothered by problems or differences in people. Relationships bring great joy, we are more accepting of others short comings, we easily forgive, and sharing love becomes our greatest treasure.
An open heart lives authentically and genuinely with love, humbleness and gratitude.
So why the roses?? If you have spent time in a healing session with me then you know we begin by focusing on our hearts. Drawing your attention to your heart, intentionally opening it to receive, picturing your heart as a beautiful rose with an infinite number of petals continuing to open as your heart opens to receive pure Light and Love. Thankfully, you can do this anytime. Try it! The next time you find yourself feeling angry, despondent, petty, jealous, sad, confused, disgusted, vengeful, lonely, frustrated, anxious, smug, suspicious or pained (insert your particular emotion here); consciously open your heart and feel the change!
The more you are able to open your heart, the more you can share and experience the love, peace, joy and connection with the True Source of All.
Leslie M. Shurbet
(Excerpts from Open Heart Meditation)